Greg Shackles
Co-Host of Gone Mobile
Greg is a Principal Engineer at Olo. He is a Xamarin MVP, Microsoft MVP, organizer of the NYC Mobile .NET Developers Group, author of Mobile Development with C#, and also a monthly columnist with Visual Studio Magazine.
Greg Shackles has hosted 85 Episodes.
38: Microsoft Graph API with Simon Jager
August 31st, 2016 | 42 mins 54 secs
In this episode we learn all about the Microsoft Graph API from Simon Jager, and how you can build your mobile apps on top of its offerings.
37: Hybrid Xamarin Apps with Drew Colthorp and Shawn Anderson
July 25th, 2016 | 55 mins 41 secs
Hybrid apps with Xamarin? You bet! In this episode we're joined by Drew Colthorp and Shawn Anderson to talk about why and how they converted their hybrid app, written in Ember, from Cordova to Xamarin.
36: Android Performance Tuning with Rabeb Othmani
July 12th, 2016 | 32 mins 4 secs
In this episode we're joined by Rabeb Othmani to talk about Android Performance Tuning
35: Mobile Testing with Alexandra Marin
July 5th, 2016 | 30 mins 2 secs
In this episode we're joined by Alexandra Marin to talk about Behavior Driven Development for Xamarin Developers
34: Raygun Pulse with John-Daniel Trask
June 14th, 2016 | 50 mins 23 secs
In this episode we're joined by John-Daniel Trask, founder and CEO of Raygun, to talk about Pulse - their Real User Monitoring solution for web and mobile apps.
33: Realm with Tim Anglade and Kristian Dupont
June 1st, 2016 | 59 mins 12 secs
In this episode we're joined by Tim Anglade and Kristian Dupont from Realm, a mobile-focused database solution that recently launched support for Xamarin.
32: Bitrise with Barnabas Birmacher and Daniel Balla
April 19th, 2016 | 41 mins 51 secs
In this episode we're joined by Barnabas Birmacher and Daniel Balla to talk about their continunous integration solution for mobile apps. Looking to get started adding CI for your apps? Listen in to find out how!
31: FreshMvvm with Michael Ridland
March 23rd, 2016 | 34 mins 18 secs
In this episode we talk to Michael Ridland about his experiences as a Xamarin consultant, and dig into his new MVVM framework made specifically for Xamarin Forms called FreshMvvm!
30: Hexagonal App Architecture with Chris Williams
February 16th, 2016 | 37 mins 59 secs
In this episode we talk to Chris Williams about hexagonal architectures and how it applies to building cross-platform mobile apps. We dig into what the architecture tries to achieve, the benefits you get from approaching software design with it in mind, and how you might already be doing it without even knowing it!
29: Push Notifications
January 25th, 2016 | 53 mins 4 secs
This episode covers pretty much everything there is to know about Push Notifications. From Apple’s APNS to Google’s C2DM and GCM, learn about what they are and how they work. We also discuss the benefits and disadvantages of roll your own with PushSharp and using services like Azure, Amazon EC2, Urbanairship and Parse.
28: Behind the Scenes of Xamarin.Forms with Jason Smith
August 26th, 2015 | 57 mins 1 sec
In this episode we're talking about Xamarin.Forms again, but this time around it's a bit different. We're joined once again by Jason Smith, lead developer of Xamarin.Forms, to take a look behind the scenes of Xamarin.Forms. We get into where it came from, inspirations, design decisions, triumps, mistakes, and more. Join us for this peek behind the curtain of creating the Xamarin.Forms framework!
27: Automated App Testing with Niels Frydenholm
July 7th, 2015 | 47 mins 25 secs
Interested in getting started writing automated tests for your apps but don't know where to start? In this episode we're joined by Niels Frydenholm to talk about how his team set themselves up for success over at eBay.
26: Prism for Xamarin.Forms with Brian Lagunas
June 16th, 2015 | 45 mins 46 secs
Prism has been around for awhile, and now you can take advantage of it in your Xamarin.Forms apps! In this episode we dig into what Prism is, why you'd want to use it in your mobile apps, and how it fits into Xamarin.Forms apps.
25: Performance Comparisons: Part Two with Harry Cheung
March 30th, 2015 | 45 mins 44 secs
Performance is a huge and important topic, so one episode just wasn't enough. In this episode we talk to Harry Cheung about the performance tests he's been running to see just how all these different mobile app development approaches perform when it comes to raw computation.
24: Cross-Platform Performance Comparisons with Kevin Ford
March 22nd, 2015 | 54 mins 6 secs
Ever wanted to know how different app frameworks and approaches compare with each other when it comes to performance? In this episode we spoke to Kevin Ford to dig into exactly that. Join us for a look at how the native SDKs, Xamarin, and Cordova compare for various performance measurements.
23: Continuous Delivery for iOS Apps with Felix Krause
February 16th, 2015 | 41 mins 28 secs
Continuous integration and delivery is commonplace in the web development world, but has been notoriously difficult to achieve with mobile apps. In this episode we talk to Felix Krause about his fastlane tools that aim to solve multiple pain points in iOS development and deployment by automating everything.